Dragon Shell Crafting;
Where to Obtain Required Materials and Materials?
3x Canes Venatici
[You can obtain Canes Venatici item only by breaking Old Jewelry and Unique Jewelry at Narki NPC]
6x Corona Borealis
[You can only obtain the Corona Borealis item from the Garden Guard-Balrog and Booro monsters found in the Ronark Land Region]
1x Dark Dragon Fragment
[You can only obtain the Dark Dragon Fragment item from monsters in the Bifrost region]
- 1x Fantastic Armor (You can get it from Sundries for 100m coins)
Fantastic Armor-shaped Frame
Fantastic Gauntlets-shaped Frame
Fantastic Gaiter-shaped Frame
Fantastic Boots-shaped Frame
Fantastic Helmet-shaped Frame
Visit Shozin NPC to Craft Dragon Shell.
- You can obtain Dragon Shell with a rate of 30% by combining the materials you obtain for Dragon Shell with Shozin NPC.
You can increase this rate to 60% using Shadow Piece